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Games and Duties Roster - Saturday 11th November
Games and Duties Roster Melbourne Cup 2023

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9 Nov 2023
Hello Welcome to the eighth day of play for the Melbourne Cup 2023. Tomorrow see's the semi finals of the 6 Goal games.Polo will be held at Chirsnide. Please take note of the following. Werribee Park have a State Garden and Rose show on saturday and sunday. This is usually a big event for them.
With Saturdays game times I cant see leaving a problem but please allow extra time for entering the venue. The garden show starts at 10am and BIG crowds are expected.
On this note Parks will be strongly enforcing the no dogs rule. They will be regularly parading the chrinside oval area and any dogs will be asked to leave immediately. No allowance will be made for when you play, need to be on a horse etc. The State Rose and Garden Show is a no dogs event and our polo event is within these park parameters. Plesase tell your team mates, tell your friends and make sure they follow the rules!
Polo Cam will be filming all 3 Games. CLICK HERE to watch the games.
Our dedicated vet on call is Nick Robson from Western Equine Services 0439 833 010, alternatively the clinic can be contacted on 0418 385 223.
Sorry we were unable to secure catering for todays event however the Shadowfax winery will accept walk ins for drink and snacks. The Refrectory cafe inside the mansion grounds will be open for coffees and light snacks, it's a very short walk through the fence by the glass house. As the state rose and garden show is a free ticket event there is no issue with us entering the parks grounds from this entrance.Our medical team is Emergency Medical Response.Our polo manager and professional umpire is Andrew Williams.
All duties today are form within the playing pool. Please if you need to swap duties do so with a similar handicapped player and within your team. Please notfiy 0419 224286 with any changes.
With 50% of tomorrows teams requesting early games we ask that you do your best to ensure games run on time so that everone can enjoy their day.
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