News & Results
Eynesbury Polo Club tournament 11th and 12th November 2022
8 Nov 2022
Welcome to the first tournament of the 2022 to be held at Eynesbury Polo Club on Friday 11th and Saturday 12th November 2022.
Unfortunately due to the last months weather conditions Eynesbury Polo Club has made the difficult decision to restrict teams for this weekend. This was unavoidable and we apologise in advance for any people who miss out this weekend.
The weather forecast is predicting heavy rain for Sunday, after showers from Thursday onwards so we have made the difficult decision to schedule polo for Friday and Saturday only. Whilst the tournament committee does realise this does not suit everyone we are doing what we can to at least offer some polo.
We are offering
8-10 goal - 2 Teams Only restriction
4-6 goal - 4 Teams Only restriction
0-2 goal - 2 Teams Only restriction
Nominations will be accepted on a first come first serve basis and will only be accepted by teams whos players have paid their club membership. I will put a whattsap up when grades have reached capacity. Nominations will close 6pm on Wednesday 9th November unless capacity is reached earlier than this.
On Saturday we will open up to 8 more players for an academy style game for those unable to commit to Friday and Saturday. The handicap level of this will be determined by the nominating players.
The tournament committee appreciates your understanding as we look forward to more productive weather conditions moving into summer. For all enquiries please contact Heleni Goodman on 0419 224286. To enter the event please CLICK HERE
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