News & Results
Adelaide Update
6 Mar 2022
6th March 2022
Update Number 2
RE: Barr-Smith weekend
With only 3 teams entering for the 8 goal, to avoid playing round-robins we will play the tournament over 3 days.
Friday at 3:30pm
Rathgormack Vs. Venture White
Charlestone Chargers Vs. Fridays Losers.
Charlestone Chargers Vs. Fridays winners.
We now need to know everyones horse numbers for yard allocations.
If you are wanting yards at the grounds please email and let her know how many yards you need.
Yards will be allocated on a first in first served basis. Regardless of who you have already texted or emailed please email your requirements to Emily ASAP so we can reserve you the correct amount of yards.
For Sundays Finals there will be a limited amount of Car park spaces at $150 per space adjacent to the No.1 field.
They will be allocated in order of paid bookings. Please email to book your space.
The bank details for The Adelaide Polo Club are.
BSB 015 010
Acc. 6058 320 88
Please use your surname and Car park as a reference.
Spectators are welcome to come and watch Sundays Finals with a gate fee of $10pp. EFTPOS facilities available at the gate.
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