News & Results
Start of the 2021/22 Polo Season
30 Sep 2021
Dear Polo Community,
RE: Start of 2021 Season
After an incredibly long winter being stuck indoors, we are excited to announce the 2021/22 season will begin at Melbourne City around the middle of October.
The State Government has issued guidelines that “non contact training” can resume around the 5th of October, subject to meeting vaccination targets. With what appears to be a slight lag in meeting numbers today, we believe that the 5th of October may be fluid and shift slightly. However, with this in mind our intent is to open Wednesday chukkers as soon as allowed.
Whilst the calendar has been published, its likely the tournaments in November may shuffle a little to ensure we have the ability to offer as much polo as possible and run the Melbourne Cup this year.
Subject to fields the start of the season is likely to look like this:
October 30/31 – Mt William (Non Contact)
November 6/7 – Melbourne City 0/4/10 (Non Contact)
November 13/14 – Yarra Valley
November 20 – 29 – Melbourne Cup 4/10, 0 Goal Tournament both weekends
At this stage dates and locations are fluid based on field readiness and government guidelines, but there is an absolute intent to kick off as per the calendar.
Melbourne Cup nominations will be released shortly.
We look forward to a fantasic season and seeing everyone out on the field!
Yours Sincereley,
Melbourne City Polo Club
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