News & Results
Victorian Umpiring Uniform
25 Aug 2022
Dear Members
We are nearing the start of the 2022/23 Victorian Polo Season. The Calendar for the season is now up on the website and memberships will be opening very shortly.
The VPA board of Directors has met frequently during the off season with one of the hot topics being how to improve the level of umpiring across all grades, across the state. We are pleased to announce we have invested in the Umpiring programme currently being rolled out across NSW and QLD and will be introducing this at the start of this season. This is accompanied by several other initiatives including the introduction of a paid chief umpire for the state and paid umpires across the grades. Further information will be provided on these exciting new developments in Victorian Polo shortly.
It has been noticed that it can take some time for umpires to become correctly kitted out as they chase gear from the previous player in an effort to take to the field on time. We would like to see ALL players in Victoria kitted out in their own umpiring gear and would like to announce the opportunity to purchase a complete set comprising of
Umpiring Shirt
Pick up stick
Ball Bag
at a greatly reduced price of $200. In order to get this umpiring package in time for the upcoming season all orders will need to be received by the Secretary by 6pm Sunday 28th August. Please email to request an umpiring kit and an invoice will be sent. Full payment must also be received by 6pm 28th August.
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