News & Results
Eynesbury Tournament 26th and 27th February 2022 - Nominations open
22 Feb 2022
Welcome to the Eynesbury Tournament for the 26th and 27th February 2022.
A Grade - 8-10 - Friday and Sunday - 5 chukkas - $50 per chukka
B Grade - 4 Goal - 4 chukkas - $45 per chukka - Saturday and Sunday
C Grade - 2 Goal - 4 chukkas - $45 per chukka - Saturday and Sunday
D Grade - Sub zero - 4 chukkas - $45 per chukka- Saturday and Sunday
Nominations close 6pm Wednesday 23rd February 2022.
Horse accomodation requests to ruki.
All other enquiries to H - 0419 224286
To nominate click HERE
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