News & Results
MCPC January Cup - Sunday 22nd Draw

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21 Jan 2023
Welcome to finals day at the Melbourne City Polo Club Jan Cup 2023.
Please remember there is to be no use of Electric Scooters at WPNEC and all dogs must be kept on leads.
Steak sandwiches and sausage sizzle and cold drinks will be available at the club house today. EFTPOS is available.
Sunday sees the first awarding of our beautiful Racing Victoria Off the Track best playing pony rugs with thanks to Racing Victoria for their continued support.
You must have registered your horse with OTT community to be eligible. I will have a very limited amout of OTT discs to give out so the judges know which ponies to pay attention to. The rugs will be awarded to horses playing in the finals of the A, B, C and D grade.
We also have some exciting MVP prizes for all 5 grades.
In the A grade we have $270 of horse wormers with thanks to Doug from Hewitt & Whitty in Winchelsea for kindly sponsoring this prize.
For B, C, D and E we have a large tub of "Harmony" from Black Horse Naturals with thanks to Chelsea and Steve for kindly sponsoring this prize.
Winners of A,B,C and D will have some fantastic Prydes Easi Feeds to take home with them with thanks to Alex in addition to some super other prizes from Melbourne City Polo Club.
Please come to the club house immediately after your win in the final to collect your prizes. For OTT Best playing ponies I will require a photo of your horse wearing their beautiful rug so please untack and ask a friend to bring the horse over as quickly as possible.
We look forward to having a lovely social Sunday and polo.
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