News & Results
Adelaide Tournament - Nominations Open
Adelaide Tournament Letter 2022

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15 Feb 2022
We will be running the Barr-Smith Cup on the weekend of the 12/13th March and a separate tournament the ‘Strathalbyn Heritage Cup’ on the second weekend of 19/20th March. Both Tournaments will run as 0, 4 and 8 goal divisions.
Teams are now invited to nominate. With the first 4 teams in the 8 goal, 8 teams in the 4 goal and 4 teams in the 0 goal, nominated and paid up accepted.
Only team nominations with the exact or lower handicap will be accepted. Please note that C1 rules (effective 1st October 2020) regarding handicap limits on teams and individual players will be strictly adhered to. Please visit for clarification.
As such, chukker fees will be $420 per player* each weekend for the 8 goal, and $280 per player* each weekend for the 0 and 4 goal divisions.
*Adelaide Polo Club Members will pay $150 each weekend for the 8 goal and $100 per weekend for the 0 and 4 goal divisions. Any non-members will pay an additional $200 for their second run.
Only one payment per team with nominations will be accepted. All Team nominations will be subject to the Tournament Committee’s approval.
Please nominate your team to and pay to secure your nomination.
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