News & Results
Flowerfield Cup Teams and Saturday 13th Draw 2021
FLOWERFIELD CUP 2021 Saturday Teams and Draw

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10 Nov 2021
Draw published 8.15 on Wednesday. All time requests have been accomodated where possible.
All games are located on Chirnside. Please note as the games are running back to back we need a swift turn around between the games to ensure the timings for the day remain on track. Your assistance with this is greatly appreciated.
If you are unable to do your duty please find someone suitable (of a similar handicap) to replace you. Failure to show up will incur a $150 fine.
Fingers crossed the rain stays away.
QR logins will be situated on the entrance gate and around the grounds. Please ensure you and your group (grooms etc) check in upon arrival. COVID protocols apply.
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