News & Results
Eynesbury 3rd,4th,5th and Mingela Open on the 6th
1 Feb 2022
Please read the following information very carefully before nominating.
Welcome to the Eynesbury Tournament for the 3rd, 4th and 5th of February 2022 with the Mingela Open on the Sunday 6th February.
Nominations are invited for:
A Grade: 8-10 Goals. The A grade will be played over two days, Thursday and Friday with the finals to be played at Mingela. Chukka fees are $750 individual, $3,000 per team (payable through this portal) with an additional Team entry fee of $2,500 payable to Mingela Polo Club. Please make sure that your entry is fully paid up by 9am on Thursday 3rd Feb. Bank details for the $2,500 payable to Mingela are BSB: 063000 Account:13323372.
B Grade: 4 Goals. The B Grade will be played on Friday, Saturday morning (losers) and Sunday at Mingela Winners, so 2 games. If 8 teams entries are received then two divisions will be played. If 6 or less teams are received then everyone maybe catered for at Mingela on the Sunday. Chukka fees are $400 per individual and $1,600 per team. An additional B grade team entry of $1,000 is payable to Mingela Polo Club. Please make sure that your entry is fully paid up by 9am on Thursday 3rd Feb. Bank details for the $1,000 payable to Mingela are BSB: 063000 Account:13323372.
C Grade: 2 Goals. The C Grade will be played on Thursday or Friday and Saturday morning. 4 chukkas at $50 per chukka.
D Grade: sub zero. The D Grade will be played on Thursday or Friday and Saturday. In addition a one day only tournament will be on offer on just the Saturday for those who are unable to play on Friday. Please note games will start early on Saturday. $50 per chukka.
Horse Accomodation requests for Eynesbury to Ruki Baillieu.
Horse Accomodation for Mingela to Michell Dicks.
Nomination portal enquiries to Heleni Goodman 0419 224286.
There will be very limited accomodation of time requests over the course of the weekend. Nominations must be received for the A Grade by 8pm Tuesday evening. All other Grades must complete their nomination by 12 noon on Wednesday 2nd February.
To nominate click HERE
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